Business, Environment, Fairtrade, Family, Food & Cuisine, Human Rights, International Day, Poverty, Sustainability, Video
Repositioning family farming at the centre of agricultural, environmental and social policies in national agendas is a top priority at the UN’s FAO. That has been the focus of the International Year 2014. So just what are the challenges faced by smallholders and...Business, International Day, Video
Clip from an interview with Cory Doctorow for my forthcoming documentary on surveillance, privacy and censorship issues called “Orwell Upgraded”. For news and progress updates, just sign up for the newsletter on the website, or follow on twitter....
Business, Disease, Family, Health, Human Rights, International Day, Video
Mine workers in sub-Saharan Africa have the highest rates of tuberculosis in the world, with more than 760 000 new cases per year connected to the mining industry. Undermined explores the river of TB flowing out from the mines, and why a vaccine is critical to the...
Business, Child Labour, Child Rights, Human Rights, International Day, Migration, Poverty, Video
Thank you for all your support! A special thanks to the Vimeo staff for selecting our film as a “Staff Pick” and to for featuring our film. Check out a clip from my newest film, KEPLER X-47 (sci-fi, aliens, Baroque costume)...
Biodiversity, Business, Climate Change, Documentary, Food & Cuisine, International Day, Medium < 30m, Sustainability, Video
Unbroken Ground explains the critical role food will play in the next frontier of our efforts to solve the environmental crisis. It explores four areas of agriculture that aim to change our relationship to the land and oceans. Most of our food is produced using...
Business, Disease, Health, Video
Animated and directed by o-motion for the World Health Organisation!/o_motion Animation: Olly Hayes Illustration: Tom Burden Music: Sanj Sen Description: Tobacco is public health enemy number one. It kills six million people every year....
Business, Documentary, Labour Rights, Safety, Short < 10m
90 minutes before he was killed on his first day of work as a temporary employee, 21-year-old Day Davis texted a picture of himself to his girlfriend, excited for their future. Day’s sister now searches for answers, as an investigation reveals the troubling issues...Business, Labour Rights, Safety, Video
Keep safe in your workplace Health and Safety Executive Don’t chance it, CHANGE...