CCGL, Connecting Classrooms thru Global Learning, Connecting Classrooms, CPD, Curriculum UK, Education, Education System, Evidence Based Practice, Online Courses, School Partnerships, Teachers, Teaching Resource, Training & Workshops
Free access to high-quality professional development opportunities from Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning, * available to teachers, HLTAs, TAs, EYFS practitioners & 6th form/ FE tutors in state-funded settings in receipt of partnership grant or in a...CCGL, Connecting Classrooms thru Global Learning, Citizenship, CPD, Cultural, Curriculum UK, Diversity, Education, Evidence Based Practice, Philosophy, School Partnerships, Social, Society, Sustainable Development Goals, Teachers, Training & Workshops, Volunteering
Free access to high-quality professional development opportunities from Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning, available to teachers, HLTAs, TAs, EYFS practitioners & FE tutors in state-funded settings Equitable and Sustainable Partnerships –...Citizenship, Connecting Classrooms, Education, Evidence Based Practice, Global Citizenship, School Partnerships, Teachers
Free access to high-quality professional development opportunities from Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning, available to teachers, HLTAs, TAs, EYFS practitioners & FE tutors in state-funded settings Equitable and Sustainable Partnerships free daylong...
Connecting Classrooms, CPD, Curriculum UK, News, School Partnerships, Training & Workshops
Core Skills Programme: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving FOR SCHOOL NETWORKS AT FLEXIBLE TIMES & DATES The Geographical Association is providing FREE[1] professional development in critical thinking and problem solving for teachers, including those who teach...
Connecting Classrooms, CPD, Curriculum UK, News, School Partnerships, Training & Workshops
Interested in fully funded CPD, access to a global network, and grants for overseas visits? The new British Council Connecting Classrooms programme focusses on teaching the core skills which help young people develop the skills, knowledge and values to thrive...CPD, Global Citizenship, Global Learning Programme (GLP), Makutano Junction Project, News, Training & Workshops
These courses were made available to teachers as part of our funded offer to GLP Partner Schools as Accredited CPD, 2013 – 2018. Fully-funded delivery has now ended. These courses remain available on subsidised delivery to state-funded schools and as a...
Curriculum UK, Global Learning Programme (GLP), Video
Start the new term as you mean to go on, building quality education for your pupils. Devise and implement an action plan for your school to provide practical ideas and strategies for enhancing future global learning provision. Access curriculum guidance to support...