We offer a range of professional global learning services to schools, nurseries, PRU /education otherwise settings and FE colleges. During Covid-19 restrictions, these are likely to be Virtual as live, online sessions rather than face to face school visits. All our live, online training is interactive encouraging talk, activity and reflection, on easy to use platforms.
We endorse a whole school approach to Global Learning for a Sustainable Future. A recent whole school framework (GLP 2018) has focus to help teachers deliver effective teaching and learning about development and global issues through the curriculum. In our training, we include subject guidance that aligns Global Learning for sustainable development to subject content and context. We include pupil progression to help teachers monitor key learning as early, developing and secure. We show how Global Learning for sustainable development can deliver to Inspection Criteria. We see more schools are adopting whole-school approach to build respect for people’s varied ways of life around the world, understanding the issues that affect people’s lives, connecting us all to each other and identifying what people can do to for a fairer more sustainable future for everyone. In a whole-school approach, classroom learning is reinforced by formal and informal messages promoted by the school’s values, behaviours and ethos. In a whole school approach, we believe the school community lives by what they learn, and learns from what they live.
Browse the overview below, visit Training & Workshops page to view our full menu , or request a more bespoke offer to meet your school priorities and timescale.
Assemblies and Illustrated Talks
For schools wanting to launch a topic, engage their pupils in a national /international calendar day, GLADE offers a range of school assemblies and illustrated talks for mainstream & Special Schools from EYFS to Key Stage 4 / 5. View full menu
Our highly trained team of GLADE Advisors and Trainers are available to deliver carefully prepared Assemblies, Illustrated Talks & accompanying short activity for your pupils and their parents.
When a teacher in your school registers as a GLADE Member, they receive priority invitations for any subsidised or fully funded school-based assemblies and illustrated talks.
Most of these are ‘Family Friendly’ – adaptable for parents/ carers with their children, for end of school events.
Prices: correct at 23 April 2021
- Start or end of day assembly : £120
- End of day Assembly followed by 90 minute teacher INSET: £240
- Illustrated talk and accompanying activity: £240
Classroom Workshops and Assemblies
GLADE offers a range of workshops, school assemblies and pupil peer-learning sessions for mainstream & Special Schools from EY Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4 / 5.
Our highly trained team of GLADE Education Workers & Advisors & Trainers (DBS enhanced) are available to deliver carefully prepared programmes of activities for your pupils.
Most of our workshops are ‘Family Friendly’ – adaptable for parents/ carers working with their child in a group (up to 15 children & 15 parents/carers).
Prices: correct at 23 April 2021
- Full day of pupil workshops in your school : £500
- Half day of workshops for your staff: £400
- End of day Assembly followed by 90 minute teacher INSET: £240
Schools and clusters who have commissioned GLADE under the GLADE School Partnership Scheme, please contact us direct for pricing.
Classroom workshops are available on whole-day or half day basis. We find that pupils work best in their familiar class groupings or tutor group, with their usual teacher & support staff present. We plan this into the workshop pattern, along with differentiated approaches. We are flexible and as all GLADE workers are trained teachers or experienced youth workers we can accommodate variations in reasonable sized groups that are vertically grouped or have a specific focus. Please contact us with any special requests.
Bespoke workshops and assemblies & connected 90 minutes INSET are available in addition to those listed.Get in touch with GLADE using the contact form to book and to discuss your requirements.
CPD for teachers, nursery & EYFS practitioners, school leaders, TAs, HLTAs, FE tutors
Training and professional development courses for Practitioners, Teachers, TAs/HLTAs, Governors, Curriculum Leaders and Tutors. Some courses are suitable for Trainee Teachers. Browse all our CPD
GLADE offers a wide range of professional development and training courses for Mainstream & Special Schools from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4 / 5; offered as:
- Open courses; dates and venues are promoted to all schools and their staff, with minimum and maximum numbers; there is a cost to attend.
- Closed courses; teachers and schools are invited to attend, usually as a result of ongoing project commitments / funding or costs that are subsidised due to external funding.
- School/cluster-based courses; where GLADE is commissioned by a school, FE College, nursery setting or cluster to run a course for their staff; there is a cost unless the course is included within the GLADE School Partnership scheme, or teachers are members of GLADE and eligible for any subsidised or fully-funded courses we have available
Our highly trained team of GLADE Trainers & Advisors are available to deliver carefully prepared CPD as one-off workshops as well as courses for your staff – nursery, school, PRU or FE college. When a teacher at your school registers as a GLADE Member, they receive priority invitations and bookings on subsidised and fully-founded opportunities we secure from external funders
Most of our INSET and CPD opportunities are available for whole school delivery or can be bought in by a cluster or locality for cross-phase collaboration and cost-sharing.
Prices: correct at 23 April 2021
- Full day CPD course for staff from one school: £500
- Half day CPD course for staff from one school: £350
- End of day twilight CPD for staff from one school: £150
- End of day twilight CPD & accompanying Assembly for staff from one school: £240
CPD is available on whole-day, half day or after school twilight basis. We also offer bespoke CPD / training courses to meet priorities and school budgets. We are flexible and as all GLADE workers are experienced trainers and facilitators, we can accommodate variations in reasonable sized groups that are cross-phase or have a specific curriculum or themed focus needs. Please get in touch with GLADE by using the contact form with any special requests and to discuss your requirements.
School Partnerships - local clusters and overseas school partnerships
At GLADE, we believe that global learning and development education is a core entitlement for all pupils; it is wider than learning about distant localities, it delivers to core skills and knowledge that all schools are striving to deliver;
- skills of enquiry and critical thinking,
- the ability to engage with different perspectives.
- an understanding of and respect for the lives and cultures of everyone,
- opportunities to for pupils to become active citizens in their own community
All staff in schools, EYFS settings and FE institutions are invited to access GLADE, there is no membership charge. Individual teachers, TAs, HLTAs, EYFS practitioners/ FE staff are ‘members’ of GLADE on behalf of their education setting and making contact gains you opportunities for accessing GLADE’s global resource loans, teacher training and classroom workshops on a ‘pay as you go’ system; we do appreciate teacher membership details with GLADE being renewed annually .
GLADE recognises that schools, as well as ourselves, have increasing constraints on budgets, diminishing opportunities for external spending, and ever-changing priorities. To this end where possible, we offer subsidised or fully funded support to state-funded education settings.
Passionate teachers of global education in Somerset schools and across the SW region are now, often working in relative isolation and have no mechanism for networking and sharing effective practice. We have 2 options for schools who wish to undertake shared learning:-
1. we have consulted and devised a scheme where groups of UK schools can share the benefits of economies of scale, whilst still accessing GLADE’s advisory and support services, including;
- sharing training courses,
- sharing themes for whole school INSET,
- grant-writing support and funding applications
- validated courses for HLTAs & TAs
- courses for teacher validation
GLADE is pleased to invite schools to become GLADE Partnership Schools through the Somerset / North Somerset Global Learning Partnership strategy.
A key aim is to enable groups of schools to share the benefit of economies of scale by sharing costs of GLADE’s professional services, whilst providing core entitlement to pupils through high quality teacher and HLTA /TA training. The cost has been calculated to allow all schools to have access to a ‘value for money’ service by providing incentives for clusters of schools. This particularly benefits smaller schools and Learning Partnerships.
Phase specific opportunities are available, and we welcome contact from schools who would like to discuss any aspect of the GLADE Partnership School scheme. This opportunity is available to independent and state schools.
2. We have been appointed as School Advisors for British Council Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning, ending December 2021. Clusters of schools can access advisor support for grant applications, and for successful clusters, gain further free support for cluster-based teacher development, pupil activities and more. This opportunity is available to state-funded mainstream and special schools, EYFS settings, FE institutions. Visit our Supporting Grant Applications page and Offers To Schools page for more information. We welcome contact from schools and cluster who would like to take this offer up.
Supporting Grant Applications - Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning
At GLADE we have been appointed to support schools across 8 Counties to apply for funding from British Council, help plan outgoing and incoming visits with school partners, build virtual partnerships, achieve/ gain re-accreditation for International school Award status, training teachers to organize partnerships, develop changes curriculum and devise funded pupil events and generally advising on how to develop links and promote global learning. Funded support ends December 2021
Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs
We are committed to helping schools make better use of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) as hooks into the curriculum ideas for pupils to apply their learning outside of the classroom. We build learning about SDGs and learning for the SDGs into our training, and support staff with coaching and mentoring to identify opportunities to focus on those SDG themes relevant to their subject content and context. You are invited to view our Commitment to SDGs, to inspire your own focus and action.
Diversity & Cohesion in the South West - coming soon
Eco-Schools Support
We encourage schools to work towards a whole-school quality mark of award. This can be a useful scaffold towards Global Citizenship for pupils and brings a whole school approach for teachers to deliver Global Learning for global citizenship within the curriculum.
We believe Eco-Schools is route for those schools where school staff and pupils care deeply about environmental issues and have a strong desire to actively protect our planet. Our overview ‘GLOBAL LEARNING FOR GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP – ECO-SCHOOLS’ demonstrates how our specialists at GLADE can help your school progress through the 7 steps and make choices about selection from the 10 topics . Teachers can gain recognition with the Global Teachers Award.
Our support can easily be aligned to your focus as an eco-friendly school. Browse our Training & Workshops for staff, or Contact Lead Trainer Lynn to discuss your priorities and timescale
International School Award Support
We encourage schools to work towards a whole-school quality mark or award. This can be a useful scaffold towards Global Citizenship for pupils and brings a whole school approach for teachers to deliver Global Learning for global citizenship and greater understanding of the SDGs within the curriculum.
The International School Award is the British Council’s recognition of international education and global learning in schools across the globe. The International School Award is available in 16 countries and is well-regarded by school inspection bodies and ministries of education globally.
We believe it is a good route for schools wanting a collaborative, curriculum-based approach to Global Learning with overseas partners, community involvement and a commitment to embedding international awareness and global understanding within their class or school.
Until December 2021, schools within Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning, our specialist Advisor support falls within the remit of our specialist schools CCGL Local Advisor. Details on how you can access this for free alongside British Council-funded Partnership activity can be found at;
Visit GLADE’s Offers to Schools for more information
Global Teachers Award - teacher recognition
The Global Teacher Award recognises professional development and classroom practice. The course builds teacher confidence and competence to bring global learning into their teaching. Teachers and HLTAs /TAs gain recognition for their global learning classroom practice.
Global Schools Award - recognition for schools
The Global Schools Award is designed to recognise good practice in the delivery of global learning in schools. The scheme is open to all schools in England and the Isle of Man. Schools that gain the award are accredited for three years. We offer this in collaboration with CODEC – the Consortium of Development Education Centres
The benefits of participating include:
- a framework for developing global learning
- an enhanced profile
- a dossier demonstrating achievement
- use of Global Schools Award logo
Find out more or get involved
Let us assist you with any questions, and help to bring global learning into your school, Early Years setting, FE institution or community group.