Animation, Human Rights, Migration, Short < 10m, TED Ed, Video
View full lesson: About 60 million people around the globe have been forced to leave their homes to escape war, violence and persecution. The majority have become Internally...Animation, Climate Change, Short < 10m, TED Ed, Video
I had the opportunity to direct Jasper Kirkby’s lesson for TED Education. This was displayed on a large screen in a very anticipated event involving TED and CERN experts. Topic: As the Earth’s surface temperature gradually rises, it has become vital for us to...
Animation, Short < 10m, Teaching Resource, TED Ed, Video
Welcome to the world of Lucius Popidius Secundus, a 17-year old living in Rome in 73 AD. His life is a typical one of arranged marriages, coming-of-age festivals, and communal baths. Take a look at this exquisitely detailed lesson on life of a typical Roman teenager...