Tuesday 8th March, 9.30-12pm at Wells Cathedral

KS2, KS3 & potential for KS4;  £1.80 per pupil


Before you finish breakfast quote & image

Activity-based event to get pupils collaborating to broaden their learning around everyday items & the people stories behind them

The concept of ‘being fair’ is something easily grasped by pupils of all ages. Fair trade appeals to their sense of justice and can be a vehicle for teaching through the curriculum. This event brings together pupils across age ranges together as they consider fair trade and the British values that underpin the partnerships that lie between producers and consumers. And helps to generate an appreciation of the links and connections (interdependences) between the lives of others and children’s own lives.



Limited spaces so book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Jessica Witchell, Wells Cathedral Education Officer for information and booking via [email protected] or call 01749 674483.

Accompanying teacher CPD available from GLADE; Critical and Reflective Learning – Trade Justice (use GLP ecredits to attend for free!)


This end-of-school teacher workshop stimulates critical thinking about social justice /rights-related issues at whole school and curriculum/ learner level. The main themes will include fair trade & trade justice; British values (SMSC); Sustainability; & Curriculum Planning set in the context of values-based learning. Includes modelling of activities and critical reflection of pupil learning at the peer learning event.

£50 for the first teacher from your school, 2nd and subsequent named teachers attend free of charge, places awarded on a ‘first come’ basis.

Wells venue; 3.45 – 5.15 pm Schools with Global Learning Programme ecredits, book online.  Non-GLP schools, contact [email protected] to register.  Also available for direct delivery to your school.  Contact us for more information.


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