Offers to Schools

 We take up offers and contracts in a range of projects that bring global learning into the classroom. These opportunities offer value for money or fully funded spaces for whole school or teacher involvement.

Global Teachers Award goes online – find out how to gain recognition for your global learning classroom practice

Sustainable School Partnerships – explore the benefits, challenges and practicalities of school partnerships. Find out about this live, online course 


Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning 2018 - 2021

What’s in Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) for my school?

Discover the power of global learning and school partnerships to enhance young peoples’ knowledge, behaviours and attitudes and improve outcomes for students and teachers. Funded offers available to nurseries, school and FE colleges include:

  • School partnerships – collaborate with schools here and overseas on classroom activities around SDG themes and global learning.  Get free support from your GLADE-based Local Advisor, whether you’re pre-partnership or looking to revive a partnership or wanting to maintain momentum with an established link.
  • CPD for Teachers, TAs/ HLTAs, EYFS practitioners & FE tutors  – become better equipped and gain confidence, see opportunities for global learning, teaching about the SDGs and social justice within the national curriculum issues. Choose from a range of options from specialist trainers.
  • Gain recognition or re-accreditation for your school with British Council International School Award. And for teachers classrooms practice with the Global Teachers Award
  • Apply for funding  as a cluster of schools or with a 1 school -to-1 school partnerships.  Clusters can apply for up to £35,000 of funding to support global learning in your cluster. Local Advisor support with applications. A cluster must have a minimum of two UK schools and two schools from a participating country outside the UK.
  • Local Advisor support – to help your school, staff and pupils make the most of these funded opportunities.

Why take part?

”Young people in the UK and the Global South are better equipped to live and work in a global economy and to take action to tackle global poverty and achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable Development” 

Connecting Classrooms through Global learning provides opportunities for pupils to gain deeper understanding of:

  • people and places, intercultural awareness and equitable partnership
  • sustainable development and interdependence
  • attitudes and behaviours to build a fairer world, equality and democracy.

”Connecting Classrooms is about more than just understanding global issues; it’s about upskilling both teachers and students to create positive change in the world.”

Teachers benefit from:

  • acquiring skills and confidence needed to integrate global learning themes into existing lessons,
  • practical guidance on best use of international partnerships to enhance pupils’ learning,
  • being better equipped to highlight and respond to global issues and sustainable development challenges through their subjects
  • improving their own teaching skills through collaborating with colleagues here and overseas.

Next Steps?

To find out what is available please visit Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning with GLADE  or contact Local Advisor Lynn to book a virtual support visit to discuss how Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning can best benefit your staff and pupils.


Global Learning Programme 2013 - 2018 (GLP)

What is the Global Learning Programme (GLP)?

The GLP was a ground-breaking programme which created a national network of like-minded schools, committed to equipping their students to make a positive contribution to a globalised world. It helped teachers to deliver effective teaching and learning about development and global issues at Key Stages 2 and 3.

Why take part?

Schools participating in the GLP experienced the exciting impact that knowledge and understanding of global learning can bring to pupils’ learning across the curriculum. The GLP helped schools develop an ethos promoting tolerance, fairness and respect.

Teachers involved in the GLP worked with colleagues in local schools to drive forward global learning across the curriculum, shared best practice and engaged in funded CPD opportunities.

Next Steps?

This Government-funded prgramme has now ended.  It has been followed on by Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning.  However to find out more about GLP, please visit our Global Learning Programme project page, or simply contact us and let us assist you with any questions, and in bringing the Global Learning into your school.

Makutano Junction - a Kenyan Soap Opera! (EU funded activity 2008 - 2015)

What is Makutano Junction?

Makutano Junction teaching materials, focuses on raising students’ and teachers’ awareness of development issues and the SDGs (tried & tested by KS 2,3,4 teachers in Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia and UK) through multi-media learning activities based around a highly popular, award-winning Kenyan TV educational drama series – Makutano Junction.

Why use a soap opera?

Teachers keen to enrich their teaching, can embed global learning across the curriculum. Makutano Junction has an exciting range of teaching materials to help teachers meet global learning aspiration.

Classroom activities include viewing genuine extracts from the Makutano Junction soap opera, which help engage young people with global issues; discovering similarities, challenging stereotypes and raising awareness.

Next Steps?

To find out more please visit our Makutano Junction page, or to book a teacher workshop, or demonstration contact us  and let us help you bring Makutano Junction – a Kenyan soap opera into your teaching!

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