Global Teacher Award Course – gain recognition of your classroom practice!

Gain recognition for your own classroom practice

The Global Teachers Award builds teacher confidence and competence to bring increased global learning into teaching. Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Early Years Practitioners,  educators in Out of School Settings and Home School can all gain increased skills, understanding and resources to be a confident global teacher.  Be rewarded with recognition for your own global learning classroom practice.


Key areas covered:-

  • Key Global Concepts – exploring the fundamentals of global learning

  • Perspectives – questioning pupil’s and teachers assumptions

  • Approaches to Learning – building critical thinking skills to deepen learning

  • Applying learning – in the classroom, the curriculum and beyond

  • Measuring change – tools for evaluating impact & monitoring progression

Created and owned by the The Global Learning Network,  since 2009 the Global Teachers Award has been delivered to teachers across the UK, to project partners and teachers in Europe and to teachers in International Schools worldwide.

2009; The Global Teachers Award launched by CODEC (The Global learning Network), with trainers validated by Liverpool Hope University and endorsed by Oxfam to help teachers develop practical skills for active global citizenship in the classroom.

2013-2018; the Global Teachers Award was included in the CPD offer to teachers within the Global Learning Programme (GLP) managed by Pearson and quality assured by UCL, London. 

2019 – 2021; the Global Teacher Award was included in the CPD offer to teachers within the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme (CCGL).

The Global Teachers Award (GTA) supports teachers in developing the skills, confidence and practical approaches to increase global learning within the curriculum, and to promote active global citizenship for sustainable development. Whether you are already involved in global learning or looking to widen your teaching practice, the Global Teachers Award brings reward, greater skills, confidence and understanding to embed development education in your school’s curriculum whether you teach in mainstream education, in a special school, are involved in Home School, Educating Otherwise than at School.


With delivery available from the GLADE Centre, The Global Teachers Award combines 6-hour taught course with coaching and mentoring, alongside your critique of your own practice.

Global Teachers Award delivery can be solely for your education setting or bring together colleagues from your MAT or  locality cluster or you can take part in an open course on set dates during the year.

Open to independent schools and state schools.

For more information and for cost-effective charges (fee-per-person or school-specific fee) please email our Lead Trainer – contact details in the short film below  



Already have recognition with the Global Teachers Award? Do you lead and inspire global learning in your school or locality or MAT? Why not gain recognition of competency in leading and inspiring global learning with Global Teachers Award-2 (Advanced)

GTA-2, gain recognition for leading and inspiring global learning

Register your interest in the  Global Teachers Award-2 (Advanced)  by emailing our Lead Trainer (contact details in the short film above) for information about Scheduled Dates and fee-per-person for invited teachers.

Overview; 12-hour course, mentoring and tutorial, global learning activity with colleagues accompanied by a short reflective assignment.

Recognition of competency in leading and inspiring global learning with Global Teachers Award-2 (Advanced)   Build confidence and get support to inspire and influence colleagues. Gain recognition for leading global learning in your school/ locality and the opportunity to become a Global Teacher Associate with the GLADE Centre. 

Global Teacher Award-2 (Advanced) Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

  • increase their ability to understand and critique the knowledge base and key concepts associated with education for a just and sustainable world [global learning]

  • identify a range of different perspectives and question the assumptions behind them

  • enhance their understanding of the approaches to learning which promote critical literacy

  • develop practical ideas for incorporating new insights gained into their personal lives and work-related roles

  • justify incorporating global learning in the curriculum and include activities to measure changes in attitudes of their pupils in relation to certain global issues

Global Teacher Award Feedback from across the country:-

“Helped me to think critically, ask more questions, be open-minded”

“Absolutely brilliant, loads of ideas and activities…. I was engaged as a grown-up but also used the same activities in the classroom”

“Useful for self-reflection, I rarely get a chance to do this as a teacher”

“Would love if this had been a core module during my PDE. One of the most enjoyable and inspiring things I have done this year”

Find out more about the Global Teachers Award nationally at


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