A school’s involvement in the Global Learning Programme (GLP) could now play an even more important role in the outcome of its inspection.

In the December 2015 issue of its newsletter on inspection work in schools,Ofsted National Director Sean Harford states: “Every child growing up in the UK should have the chance to learn about the world around them, the facts of poverty and underdevelopment, and the potential to build a freer and more prosperous world.”

He draws inspectors’ attention to the GLP, which “maps onto the four Ofsted core judgements and to SMSC [spiritual, moral, social and cultural development].”

The UK-wide initiative supports teachers from primary, secondary and special schools to improve their students’ understanding of the world around them. It helps teachers to deliver a richer and more relevant curriculum by embedding engaging and globally-themed content into their lessons.

Visit the NAHT Edge website: https://www.nahtedge.org.uk/Newsandviews/Newslisting/Newsarticles/TabId/565/ArtMID/1325/ArticleID/2035/Ofsted%E2%80%99s-spotlight-on-the-Global-Learning-Programme.aspx

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