Outdoor learning is a great way to take advantage of the last weeks of summer – and make sure your children’s brains are ready for the new school year

The summer slide is not as much fun as it sounds. The term refers to the period when young minds drift into the breeze over the summer, which can lead to a loss of learning and a hard landing when they go back to school in September. So is the answer to hire a tutor, sit little Jimmy at the kitchen table and keep it all ticking over?

No. There is more to learning than the pages of textbooks and summer is a rare chance to do things differently. The best summer education tops up desk-based study with being outdoors, creating and embedding healthy learning habits.

Outdoor learning is a great way to engage children but it requires forethought and originality from a teacher, parent or tutor. Here are a few ideas get you started in the remaining couple of weeks of the summer break.

Visit the website: https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/aug/22/classroom-top-tips-inspiring-learning-great-outdoors

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