Diversity, Freedom, International Day
As a boy growing up, Samuel Mugisha dreamed of being a part of the Rwandan national cycling team, Team Rwanda, as he believed it would be a way to help make money for his family. What he discovered was something else entirely. In a country trying to get over the...
Global Citizenship, History & Heritage, International Day, Video
Sri Lankan Olympian Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam on his hopes for reconciliation This doc short was posted on The Guardian, to mark International Day of Peace, 21 September 2013 theguardian.com/global-development/video/2013/sep/21/sri-lanka-reconciliation-video...
International Day, Peace, Video
April 6th is International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. Organizations around the world remind us how sport is a tool for social change, community development and well...