Disease, Health, International Day, Video
Finn McGough directs the new film for Cancer Research UK for AMV BBDO. The film celebrates everyday moments that many of us take for granted but which assume a unique poignancy when you’re fighting to survive this terrible disease. Taking real conversations from...
Disease, Health, International Day, Teaching Resource, Video
Body & Soul, a leading UK charity supporting children, young people and families living with and closely affected by HIV, presents the basic facts of...
Disease, Health, International Day, Video
When you get infected with the HIV virus, you can get AIDS, which stands for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome’. This means that you have a deficient immune system. This animation explains how you can get infected with the HIV virus and what it means...
Disease, Health, International Day, Teaching Resource, Video
HIV is a virus that weakens and attacks the immune system. This video explains how HIV works in your body and how the virus is transmitted. Join the conversation on http://www.dance4life.co.ke/youth4life and follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dance4lifeKE and...
Business, Disease, Health, Video
Animated and directed by o-motion for the World Health Organisation o-motion.co.uk/ twitter.com/#!/o_motion Animation: Olly Hayes Illustration: Tom Burden Music: Sanj Sen Description: Tobacco is public health enemy number one. It kills six million people every year....