CPD, Curriculum UK, Makutano Junction Project, Training & Workshops
Searching for materials to help deliver to SMSC, British values and the new curriculum? These come free with an end of school CPD! Contact us to...CPD, Training & Workshops
Drafting CPD dates for term 3, using KS2 teaching materials mapped to subjects, SMSC and values education. Book your free end of school session with us. Dates available for term 3. Contact us for more...CPD, Curriculum UK, Global Learning Programme (GLP)
Somerset & North Somerset schools: watch this space; we hear on the grapevine a Somerset school & a North Somerset school are both applying to be expert centres with GLP starting in January 2015. Want to see where your current nearest centre is? Just...CPD, Philosophy, Training & Workshops
We suggest considering this Level 1 P4C course being run by GLADE’s ‘cousin’ organisation in Dorset. If you’re new to P4C and global citizenship, why not book GLADE’s 3 hour taster workshop P4GC first, run in your school at a time to suit...CPD, Training & Workshops
Why not book on to the Global Teacher Award, Level 1 qualification for teachers? Contact us to register or find out more!Connecting Classrooms, CPD, Curriculum UK, News, School Partnerships, Training & Workshops
Deepening understanding of global citizenship & taking intercultural understanding further are available to schools in the UK and in China through Connecting Classrooms. Find out more about Connecting Classrooms, or contact us at GLADE for your free place on the...CPD, News, Training & Workshops
Advance notice for Term 1:- GLADE is running 2 free workshops for teachers Monday 22 September, 12.30-4pm; Makutano Junction – a tool for effective teaching and learning. Friday 3 October, 9 -4.15; Introduction to international learning. Get your term off to an...CPD, Training & Workshops
Advance notice Fri 3 October 2014; 9 for 9.30 – 4.15; Frome, Somerset. Schools involved in INTERNATIONAL LEARNING will have different strengths as well as different priorities for development. This free, day-long course will help you review what you are doing...